The Real Estate Institute of Tasmania (REIT) proudly recognises the amazing value Property Managers bring to our industry. National Property Managers Day 2023 is on July 21st.
The REIT would like to express its appreciation for the collective efforts of the entire real estate industry over the past year. However, we want to emphasise the exceptional dedication and hard work exhibited by Property Managers.
Together, we will demonstrate our support and gratitude towards our outstanding Property Managers, recognising the invaluable assistance they have provided to both landlords and tenants during these challenging times. REIT invites you to celebrate Australia's remarkable Property Managers by acknowledging and honouring your Property Managers.
Let us express our appreciation for the tremendous amount of work they accomplish in these persistently demanding circumstances.
How to celebrate
- Showcase your Property Managers. It is time to recognise your best Property managers from business owners, colleagues, landlords and even tenants.
- Share their accomplishments. Share photos and stories of your Property Managers on your social channels using #nationalpropertymanagersday plus send photos to the REIT for extra exposure.
- Prepare to celebrate. Time to prepare how you will celebrate with your Property Managers on 21 July.
The competition to win two free tickets to our Women in Real Estate (WIRE) Luncheon event has closed.
The REIT would like to congratulate the following winners:
PRD Hobart
Harcourts East Tamar
Elders Burnie