RPL assessment requires the learner to provide evidence that adequately meets the requirement of the unit(s) of competency and the following rules of evidence:
- Sufficiency
- Currency
- Validity
- Authenticity
Learners who believe they already have some of the competencies in the qualification from formal or informal training and/or education or work/life experience may apply for RPL.
An assessor will make a judgement of learner’s capability against the units of competency as set out in the qualification using documentary evidence, interviews and practical demonstration. If evidence is insufficient, the learner will be advised of the training needed to fill the gap and a learning plan will be developed.
Please see the RPL Learner Handbook https://reit.com.au/Portals/24/resources/info/RPL%20Learner%20Handbook%202020.pdf?ver=2020-04-24-094528-077
For further information please contact the REIT Training Department.