A Brief History of the REIT
The Real Estate Institute of Tasmania (REIT) was formed in 1945, primarily in response to the need for an industry body that represented the profession when legislation was being formulated that impacted on how real estate transactions were conducted in this state.
The REIT became a Registered Training Organisation in 1999 and first offered the Diploma in Real Estate in 2001. A number of senior members who had previously studied through TAFE found the new course a real challenge.
Real estate is a key indicator of the heath of any economy. When people are buying and selling real estate many other industries benefit, and so does the State and Federal Governments through taxation revenues. The challenge for Governments is to find a balance of retaining income streams, and introducing incentives for buyers and sellers while not deterring investors by putting up financial and bureaucratic barriers.
The REIT’s role is to play a strategic leadership role in all areas to ensure the long term success, growth and vitality of the real estate industry in Tasmania.

The following book, which was developed in 2009, covers:
- The Early Days
- REIT House – a colourful past
- Honour Roll
- REIA National Presidents from Tasmania
- REIT State Presidents
- REIT Members with National Honours
- Training
- Legislation over the years
- Regulator
- Planning for the Future
- REIT Branch Members
To read more, please click the above image or using the following link: REIT History