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Media Releases

Tasmania’s Two Speed Market

We all expected a downward trend and that’s exactly what has been delivered, with the exception of land sales. Tasmania has experienced a 27.5% decrease in house sales for the month. Hobart declined 36.8%, Launceston 39.0% and the North West down by 12.3%. House prices have also experienced a decline with Hobart down 13.8% and … Continued

Tassie Real Estate shrugs off COVID-19

Across Tasmania the number of house sales have declined by 5.3%, other dwellings were also down by 11% and land sales declined by 9.2%. Although first home buyers were 21.4% of the buying market this month, this figure is down 3% on the previous month. We are confident this number will change with the recent … Continued

Supply versus demand continues to be a concern

Tasmania overall experienced an active December quarter. In summary there has been a 6.3% increase in house sales across the State which is up by 2.3% on the previous December quarter. Hobart’s median sale price increased by 7.8%, Launceston 7.0% and the North West 5.3%. These statistics are reflective of a substantial supply and demand … Continued

REIT September 2019 Quarterly Report

With 2670 property sales over the September quarter totalling $989,340,623 this represents a decrease over the previous quarter with 2843 sales at $1,054,063.281. The median sale price across the State reduced to $375,000 which was down 1.3% from the June quarter. Of the 1780 house sales around the State 300 of these were investors and … Continued

Investors flee softening market

Real Estate Institute of Tasmanian figures released today for the June Quarter saw the market rebound from pre-election jitters (of the possibility of Labor’s introduction of Negative Gearing and Capital gains tax changes). Whilst the recovery was modest, it did see transactions for this quarter increase 7.7% to 2843 sales, and the gross value of … Continued

The “Bang” is disappearing from Tasmania’s property boom!

The past 5 years have seen significant change in Tasmania’s residential real estate market. Buoyant economic conditions, a booming tourism market, growing tertiary student numbers, and our attraction as a lifestyle destination has seen unprecedented property demand and growth in property values. We have seen Tasmanian property prices surpass those of the Northern Territory, South … Continued

No Looking Back – Tassie Real Estate Pushes On

In 2018 Tasmania continued to produce results which nationally outperformed all the other Capital cities. Despite the uncertainty that the shortage of rental accommodation and houses for sale have placed on our markets there is some good news that we can take out of the REIT 2018 Annual Summary: 2018 Annual Summary December Quarter 2018 … Continued

Tassie Real Estate Slows

It appears there is some relief in sight for First Home Buyers, investors and those seeking to rent. Figures released today by the Real Estate Institute of Tasmania show that in the September 2018 quarter the market had slowed with property prices falling across most parts of the State. REIT President, Tony Collidge said that … Continued

Real Estate Market sets new benchmarks

The Tasmanian Real estate market continues to buck the national trend and has recorded its eighth consecutive quarterly record for the value of property sold and the highest number of transactions in a decade. Amid speculation that the local market could not continue to sustain its momentum the June 2018 quarter not only record its … Continued

Market Continues to Surge

The Real Estate Institute of Tasmania’s Quarterly Report confirmed that Tasmania’s real estate market has continued to grow in sales numbers and value over the March 2018 quarter. Highlights of the report were: REIT President Tony Collidge said: “Tasmania continues to be a desirable destination to visit, study, and live. Hobart remains the cheapest Capital … Continued

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